Posts filed under: Opinion

I promised myself I wouldn’t write a review of The Last Jedi until I saw the movie a second time. I didn’t go to see it again in theaters, and...
The other day, a friend commented to me that something seems to have happened to the tycoon game genre. Namely, it doesn’t seem to exist all that much, anymore. My...
I found a cool article with multiple historians’ best stabs as to the reasons why the South lost the American Civil War. It’s worth a read on its own, but...
Full disclosure: I don’t like the content of the protests that took place last week. It seems that a lot of people are badly misinformed on guns, and our media...
So, here’s the deal. I’m about to tell you a story that’s hard to find on the Internet, vast as it is. If you search for the question that titles...
Is Globalism Dying? Across the world, things are changing. This is always true, but right now there are a couple of significant events that appear to be challenging the old...
One of my secret wishes is to have been born back when the map had not yet been filled in. Sometimes I feel the call to adventure, but there’s a...
Opinion Piece on Opinion Pieces Not ethical. If I had to choose two words to describe The Washington Post’s publication of Shashi Tharoor’s “In Winston Churchill, Hollywood rewards a mass...
There was a time when I was in a literature class in college where the professor laid out his grading philosophy. He said something along the lines of, “When I’m...
Greetings, Comrade! Unless you live under a rock, and no one in our glorious Socialist-Democratic-People’s Worker’s Republic lives under a rock, you’ve heard that that vile villain, Donald Trump, leader...