Monthly Archives: March 2018

I really don’t like John Green’s content. I don’t know much about the person, but I generally try to avoid the things that he makes because I feel like he...
If you have your ear to the ground, you might hear the whispers that suggest Facebook is dying. To be honest, I might welcome those. I never really liked Facebook,...
I saw a really great tweet the other day that went something like this: It’s funny that diplomats exist to get kicked out of a country when something goes wrong....
We’ve been trained to hate them. Of course, they’ve made it easy on us, oftentimes acting like a cross between a politician and a lawyer, two classes already generally disliked....
I talk about sports sometimes. To be honest, I’m not sure who reads this blog. I don’t know if you care about sports. But I like sports. And, I like...
I promised myself I wouldn’t write a review of The Last Jedi until I saw the movie a second time. I didn’t go to see it again in theaters, and...
The other day, a friend commented to me that something seems to have happened to the tycoon game genre. Namely, it doesn’t seem to exist all that much, anymore. My...
I found a cool article with multiple historians’ best stabs as to the reasons why the South lost the American Civil War. It’s worth a read on its own, but...
Full disclosure: I don’t like the content of the protests that took place last week. It seems that a lot of people are badly misinformed on guns, and our media...
So, here’s the deal. I’m about to tell you a story that’s hard to find on the Internet, vast as it is. If you search for the question that titles...