Posts filed under: Politics

You may not know who Alex Jones is by name, but odds are you’ve heard of the famous clip where he declared “I don’t like them putting the chemicals in...
There’s a trick I picked up over the years that really helps me put new thinkers I discover in context. Usually, I read some of their stuff, and then go...
Ever since Gamergate broke back in 2014, white, straight, male nerds have constantly had to defend their dislike of any product with any degree of arguably-progressive themes. Any criticism of...
Roseanne. Oh, Roseanne. I’ve been told to be mad at you, but to be honest, I just can’t bring myself to do so. If I’m being honest, I find you...
Continued from yesterday’s article. Does that mean that your employer is violating your free speech rights if they tell you shut up and get to work? I think the answer...
While researching for this post, I found a great article that tackled the exact topic I was planning to bring up. In this case, it’s absolutely fantastic, as I respectfully...
Today, you’re a high school principal. Sitting before you in your office is a pair of students who were caught fighting. One has a history of instigating fights he can’t...
I’m contemplating moving to California. The problem is, it might not be there when I arrive. And no, I’m not talking about it sliding into the sea as the result...
2017 was a tumultuous year for the University of California, Berkeley. A number of conservative or moderate speakers were invited to speak at UC Berkeley last year, and many were...
Maybe you live under a rock and this your first time hearing that Donald Trump has pulled out of the nuclear deal with Iran. If so, surprise! But, this probably...