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Sometimes in life, I stumble across something about which I have no previous knowledge. That happened when I recently read a Vice article on the subject of exorcism, about which...
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A friend I speak to frequently told me the other day that talking to me kept him well-informed enough that he didn’t consume much news on his own. We both...
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Professor Williamson had the soft body of a man that spent most of his time behind a desk, nose buried in a book or fingers tapping away at a paper....
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Let’s talk about airline pricing. The other day I was about to hop on a flight on Alaska Airlines when the gate attendant announced that the airline had a new...
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Ever since Gamergate broke back in 2014, white, straight, male nerds have constantly had to defend their dislike of any product with any degree of arguably-progressive themes. Any criticism of...
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There’s this little movie franchise. Maybe you’ve heard of it. It’s called Star Wars. I have a lot of opinions about this that might be controversial. For instance, I think...
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So, it would be nice to use this case as a testbed for kinds of speech made outside of work. It has all the hallmarks of a good test: Roseanne...
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Roseanne. Oh, Roseanne. I’ve been told to be mad at you, but to be honest, I just can’t bring myself to do so. If I’m being honest, I find you...
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Continued from yesterday’s article. Does that mean that your employer is violating your free speech rights if they tell you shut up and get to work? I think the answer...
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While researching for this post, I found a great article that tackled the exact topic I was planning to bring up. In this case, it’s absolutely fantastic, as I respectfully...
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What is a Han Solo movie? It would be a movie about heisting something, or smuggling something, or running away when things go wrong. It’s about a pilot who is...
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Tommy Robinson is in jail. That’s a fact that is beyond dispute. Now, there are facts and opinions that are up for debate. Is Tommy Robinson a good person? Is...
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