Posts filed under: History

I don’t often make hard promises about how you’re going to feel at the onset of an article, as that’s something that’s hard to predict. However, I advise you to...
You’ve probably heard the term “The Great Recession” used to describe the implosion of the housing bubble in 2007, which led to a worldwide financial crisis and years of economic...
In general, I don’t pay too much attention to Twitter. I’m not going to sit here and tell you that there’s something systemically wrong with the platform, just that it’s...
Maybe you aren’t the kind of person who believes in divine providence, but it would be hard to deny that two events that recently happened to me were not at...
I’ve wanted to write about the Sykes-Picot Agreement for a long time. It’s pretty much universally-derided, to the point where I thought it would be difficult to show what the...
I really don’t like John Green’s content. I don’t know much about the person, but I generally try to avoid the things that he makes because I feel like he...
I found a cool article with multiple historians’ best stabs as to the reasons why the South lost the American Civil War. It’s worth a read on its own, but...
There was a time when I was in a literature class in college where the professor laid out his grading philosophy. He said something along the lines of, “When I’m...
Greetings, Comrade! Unless you live under a rock, and no one in our glorious Socialist-Democratic-People’s Worker’s Republic lives under a rock, you’ve heard that that vile villain, Donald Trump, leader...
A couple of weeks ago, suspiciously-simultaneous lawsuits were filed in South Carolina, Texas, Massachusetts, and California, alleging that the states’ process of giving all of their electoral votes to the...