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Welcome to the future. For the low, low price of about a hundred bucks, you can choose from a bevy of companies that want to sequence your DNA and tell...
I saw something otherworldly at a high school basketball game the other day. Down 5-0 near the start of the first quarter, the Allen High School Basketball team passed the...
So, how do we treat each other well online? I ask this question earnestly. If there is a solution to people being crappy to each other online, then I don’t...
So, I’m probably going to come across as callous in this post. It’s not because I want to be, but I’m looking at numbers related to shootings and death, and...
Continued from a previous post. As previously defined, a government is a method of creating power structures in society that enable some elements of that society to exchange some freedoms...
It’s hard to sit down and write this piece. I’m not tired. In fact, I’m perfectly awake. I slept well. I’m not hungry. I’m not even all that distracted, which...