Posts filed under: Videogames

I wrote a couple of weeks ago about Jessica Price and her impassioned, ridiculous attack on the players of a game on which she worked. I argued that most of...
I wasn’t going to write about this story because I don’t care about Fortnite, the popular videogame, Ninja, the most popular Fortnite streamer, and I don’t think the “controversy” is...
Recently, Marc “Tryndamere” Merrill posted the following on Twitter. Wow! A League of Legends MMO. While I don’t relish the idea of dumping $50 upfront and then $10 a...
Recently, Cloud9, a professional League of Legends team with a long history of success, announced that they were trading their backup support player, Smoothie, to Echo Fox, for their support...
SimCity and Cities: Skylines are two of the most recent and most popular entries in the city-building simulation videogame genre. By my estimation, both games fall short of what could...
Destiny 2 is a strange animal. It has one of the more active online communities outside of the game, which typically bodes well for the quality of the game and...
The Paradox DICE What makes a game great? Be it a board game or a videogame, one thing that always seems to be the mark of a good game is...
The other day, a friend commented to me that something seems to have happened to the tycoon game genre. Namely, it doesn’t seem to exist all that much, anymore. My...