Monthly Archives: April 2018

Before beginning this blog post, I had written 14,754 words in the month of April, which is not bad, as I’d only had 11 days in which to work. On...
You’ve probably heard the term “The Great Recession” used to describe the implosion of the housing bubble in 2007, which led to a worldwide financial crisis and years of economic...
In general, I don’t pay too much attention to Twitter. I’m not going to sit here and tell you that there’s something systemically wrong with the platform, just that it’s...
Maybe you aren’t the kind of person who believes in divine providence, but it would be hard to deny that two events that recently happened to me were not at...
Imagine with me for a moment a steep cliff. At the base of the cliff is a campsite. Currently, there are two tents set up. One is inhabited by a...
I’ve wanted to write about the Sykes-Picot Agreement for a long time. It’s pretty much universally-derided, to the point where I thought it would be difficult to show what the...
I was counting the mentions of Donald Trump in the Dallas Morning News yesterday morning, and yes, they might have an obsession, when I noticed an article, from the Associated...
Maybe you’ve heard of the Laffer Curve. People like to make fun of it every time a conservative, post-Reagan comes into power in the U.S. The theory is simple enough....
Ready Player One was a good, not great movie. Go see it if you’ve read the book and liked it. Or sort of liked it. Go see it if you’re...
It’s been almost a year since I left graduate school. I left for a lot of reasons, but one of the big ones was my general dissatisfaction with the program....