1st Post Full + Grid

A while back I wrote a post about the price of pharmaceuticals, and how the US appears to be subsidizing the rest of the world. There was something regarding pharmaceutical...
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I haven’t sat down to write in a long time. Right now, it feels like I’m trying to knock the rust off an old bicycle in the hopes that it...
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Welcome to a new series, “I’m not a Lawyer, but . . .” I’ve found that I keep having to dig down into legal codes to get to the bottom...
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There’s a trick I picked up over the years that really helps me put new thinkers I discover in context. Usually, I read some of their stuff, and then go...
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Today I popped onto Reddit and found a pair of stories that I believe the media has woefully removed from their proper context. Funny how despite the fact that I’ve...
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There’s a couple of interesting things to note as we start this article on the history of the CIA. First, the name and function of the organization that would become...
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Sometimes in life, I stumble across something about which I have no previous knowledge. That happened when I recently read a Vice article on the subject of exorcism, about which...
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A friend I speak to frequently told me the other day that talking to me kept him well-informed enough that he didn’t consume much news on his own. We both...
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Professor Williamson had the soft body of a man that spent most of his time behind a desk, nose buried in a book or fingers tapping away at a paper....
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Let’s talk about airline pricing. The other day I was about to hop on a flight on Alaska Airlines when the gate attendant announced that the airline had a new...
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