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So, here’s the deal. I’m about to tell you a story that’s hard to find on the Internet, vast as it is. If you search for the question that titles...
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Is Globalism Dying? Across the world, things are changing. This is always true, but right now there are a couple of significant events that appear to be challenging the old...
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One of my secret wishes is to have been born back when the map had not yet been filled in. Sometimes I feel the call to adventure, but there’s a...
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Opinion Piece on Opinion Pieces Not ethical. If I had to choose two words to describe The Washington Post’s publication of Shashi Tharoor’s “In Winston Churchill, Hollywood rewards a mass...
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There was a time when I was in a literature class in college where the professor laid out his grading philosophy. He said something along the lines of, “When I’m...
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Greetings, Comrade! Unless you live under a rock, and no one in our glorious Socialist-Democratic-People’s Worker’s Republic lives under a rock, you’ve heard that that vile villain, Donald Trump, leader...
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I wanted to write an article about whether the United States had a chance at living up to its former obligations under the Paris Climate Agreement, even though it had...
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A couple of weeks ago, suspiciously-simultaneous lawsuits were filed in South Carolina, Texas, Massachusetts, and California, alleging that the states’ process of giving all of their electoral votes to the...
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Welcome to the future. For the low, low price of about a hundred bucks, you can choose from a bevy of companies that want to sequence your DNA and tell...
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I saw something otherworldly at a high school basketball game the other day. Down 5-0 near the start of the first quarter, the Allen High School Basketball team passed the...
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