1st Post Full + Grid

I wrote an article on the protests and deaths on the border of Israel and the Gaza Strip last week, and I think I did a good job of contextualizing...
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SimCity and Cities: Skylines are two of the most recent and most popular entries in the city-building simulation videogame genre. By my estimation, both games fall short of what could...
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Destiny 2 is a strange animal. It has one of the more active online communities outside of the game, which typically bodes well for the quality of the game and...
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This is the 100th blog post on From the Holocron. It’s a moment for celebration, even though it’s an arbitrary milestone. 100 blog posts represent a lot of work. Most...
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I realized the other day that I didn’t know why I disliked avocado, as I had never tried it. Of course, this is a silly position to hold. If you...
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If you’re an American and you’re anything like me, then you’ve probably heard of Scotland Yard, despite the fact that neither you nor anyone you know have ever dealt with...
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Maybe this will come as a surprise to you, but I’m really into architecture. For most of my life, I wanted to be an architect, right up until I took...
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Today, you’re a high school principal. Sitting before you in your office is a pair of students who were caught fighting. One has a history of instigating fights he can’t...
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Welcome to another Flash Fiction Friday. To find out what’s going on, click here. Today we’re going with a different story generator, plot-generator.org.uk. The prompt it generated is “In a...
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I’m contemplating moving to California. The problem is, it might not be there when I arrive. And no, I’m not talking about it sliding into the sea as the result...
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