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I know the Internet is real. In fact, the fact that you’re reading this article right now, on the Internet, is further proof the Internet is real. So, when I...
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If you were ever looking for a sign that I tend to run a bit behind the times, then this article is exactly what you’re looking for. In fact, I’m...
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I stumbled across an article yesterday on my phone, and while I can’t track down the exact one I was reading, there’s a similar one here. In short, Scott Daniel...
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I’m probably committing something of a cardinal sin today, in that I’m writing about a movie, or to be more precise, a series of movies that I have not seen....
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Okay, so I did a bad thing yesterday and wrote an entire article about how Star Wars just might be America’s National Epic, but then I didn’t actually build the...
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What is the American Epic? Your answer to that question is dependent on what you consider an epic to be. I had some pretty firm ideas before I sat down...
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While we don’t often think about them, standards of measure are one of the cornerstones of human society. If things aren’t sold by count, as in buying a single orange...
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Just about everybody’s heard this famous six-word short story: For sale: baby shoes, never worn. It’s often regarded as a work of exceptional literary talent—so much emotion packed into six...
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What is Free Speech? I’m going to give you a moment to come up with a definition for Free Speech in your head. Don’t go on until you’ve defined it....
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If you haven’t heard of Universal Basic Income, you probably will hear about it again soon in the future. If ideas were sailing ships, then think of this one as...
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