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It’s one of the truisms of life: everyone hates ads. They’re intrusive, annoying, and ruin otherwise good content. Or do they? Truth be told, I think there’s a real place...
Continued from a previous post. There is a case to be made in defense of the inclusion of Starkiller Base in the movie. I think it’s important to note that...
I recently rewatched Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens, and I was struck once again by what a pleasure it is to watch this movie. I knew I wanted to write...
(Continued from a previous post). Overall, most of the problems the consumer faces with a lack of Net Neutrality are solved with a solution that isn’t strong Net Neutrality rules....
A few months ago when I was thinking about starting a blog, one of the first topics I wanted to research was Net Neutrality. Something I’ve realized over the years...