Posts filed under: Star Wars

Ever since Gamergate broke back in 2014, white, straight, male nerds have constantly had to defend their dislike of any product with any degree of arguably-progressive themes. Any criticism of...
There’s this little movie franchise. Maybe you’ve heard of it. It’s called Star Wars. I have a lot of opinions about this that might be controversial. For instance, I think...
What is a Han Solo movie? It would be a movie about heisting something, or smuggling something, or running away when things go wrong. It’s about a pilot who is...
I promised myself I wouldn’t write a review of The Last Jedi until I saw the movie a second time. I didn’t go to see it again in theaters, and...
Okay, so I did a bad thing yesterday and wrote an entire article about how Star Wars just might be America’s National Epic, but then I didn’t actually build the...
What is the American Epic? Your answer to that question is dependent on what you consider an epic to be. I had some pretty firm ideas before I sat down...
Continued from a previous post. There is a case to be made in defense of the inclusion of Starkiller Base in the movie. I think it’s important to note that...
I recently rewatched Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens, and I was struck once again by what a pleasure it is to watch this movie. I knew I wanted to write...