1st Post Full + Grid

So, how do we treat each other well online? I ask this question earnestly. If there is a solution to people being crappy to each other online, then I don’t...
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So, I’m probably going to come across as callous in this post. It’s not because I want to be, but I’m looking at numbers related to shootings and death, and...
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Continued from a previous post. As previously defined, a government is a method of creating power structures in society that enable some elements of that society to exchange some freedoms...
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It’s hard to sit down and write this piece. I’m not tired. In fact, I’m perfectly awake. I slept well. I’m not hungry. I’m not even all that distracted, which...
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Does kowtowing on social media make your company stronger? It’s a weird question to start a post titled “Political Philosophy,” but it’s a question that I’ve been asking today. Why...
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In order to play Dungeons & Dragons, you need two kinds of people. The first is the Dungeon Master (“DM”), who sets up the world that the second group, the...
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So, here’s the deal. Animusic is almost objectively awesome. Hopefully, you’ve already come across some of their work out on the wild web. Here’s what’s probably their most famous piece,...
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If there’s anything I know about writing movie reviews, it’s that they probably shouldn’t be written while the movie’s afterglow is still washing over you. Cars 3 was so good...
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I’m becoming increasingly interested in bad journalism. I wouldn’t go as far to say that it was dangerous or even especially intentional if only to avoid the hyperbole for which...
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There’s a scene in Wall-E, the Pixar movie, where a ship returning to Earth has to plow through a nearly impassible field of likely-defunct satellites in order to land. I...
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