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Buying medicine in America has great potential to put a person in a contemplative mood. The prices of medicine, especially for prescription medicines with no generic equivalent, can cost a...
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When I was first talking about starting a blog, everyone’s first reaction was that they were excited that they were going to get to read more of my fiction online....
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We have a script we use when a celebrity does something absolutely scandalous. Parents, teachers, pastors, and community leaders are quick jump out and condemn the behavior because the celebrity...
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We live in a weird sort of a world where we invest perhaps more of our attention and energy into politics than at any other point in history and get...
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I don’t often make hard promises about how you’re going to feel at the onset of an article, as that’s something that’s hard to predict. However, I advise you to...
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If you haven’t heard of Austin McConnell by now, you should probably go check out his channel on YouTube. He’s a filmmaker, and he specializes in short, fantastic video essays....
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I can tell you that I often know a few minutes into watching or reading something if I’m going to have something to say about it. Case in point, I’m...
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The Paradox DICE What makes a game great? Be it a board game or a videogame, one thing that always seems to be the mark of a good game is...
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Imagine you were part of a group that publishes an album that, while not changing the world, charts on Billboard for 14 weeks and peaks at 71. Imagine that, undeterred,...
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Maybe I can’t take a joke, or maybe there’s something seriously wrong with political humor TV shows. I think that the truth matters and watching these shows tends to make...
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