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Naming the Spectacular Play at the end of the Vikings-Saints Game If you haven’t seen it, you need to go watch the ending to the Vikings-Saints playoff game from last...
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It was raining. Hard. I was trying to get to class that day in San Marcos, and the visibility was starting to drop. I had a rain jacket on, but...
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A few weeks ago, I came across a great Rolling Stone article about a company named Magic Leap. I was excited because up until that article came out, it was...
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The more I read about the Kellogg-Briand Pact, the more I believe that this little-known document might rank up there with the Magna Carta and the U.S. Declaration of Independence...
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A few weeks ago, the French Ambassador to the United States, Gérard Araud, posted an incendiary tweet on December 7th, Pearl Harbor Day.       He has since deleted...
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I read an article a few days ago concerning a change in one of NASA’s upcoming missions. By moving up the launch window on a planned mission to 16 Psyche,...
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We’ve all been there: nervously sitting at our departure gate, hoping that, despite all odds, an aircraft will arrive to take you wherever you’re going. Then, you hear the crushing...
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It’s one of the truisms of life: everyone hates ads. They’re intrusive, annoying, and ruin otherwise good content. Or do they? Truth be told, I think there’s a real place...
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Continued from a previous post. There is a case to be made in defense of the inclusion of Starkiller Base in the movie. I think it’s important to note that...
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I recently rewatched Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens, and I was struck once again by what a pleasure it is to watch this movie. I knew I wanted to write...
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